Dear Fellow Wanderers,

I’m sitting here as the grass does, under a palm tree and a blue sky,
and what feels like a million starlings just silenced their song…
to all in one breath, fly up in the sky to put on the most incredible show of mesmerizing patterns.

There is no way to capture these wonders of the world in words, so I share it instead with you through sound.
There are many things that I am: a composer, a dancer, a twin, a scientist. 
I’m a believer in the power of sound to move mountains and to make strong that which has been weakened.

I have a voice. And through my music I see the enchanted pathways,
from humanity to nature, to the cosmos.
The mythos of the world, where I find my foundation.

I am an amplifier for the quiet voices.
The invisible forces,
the forgotten stories, and the stones that hold us. 

Nature and her stars are among the softest.
It’s my duty while I’m here to make them heard.

xo Abøn